An update to HoBo Sauce
Actually, many updates. First, red wine and coke in equal parts is offically called a Calimocho . And, I might add, it's fucking A delicious. Second is the summer hoboing plans. A hobo from the latin homo bonus or good man, is vastly different from a tramp, a bum, or a drifter. A drifter usually has the skills to get a quick job drift around a town for a spell and then move on. A tramp is similar to a hobo in the way each hops trains to move from place to place but usually tramps stay in one place longer. Bums are the worst of the bunch, they're lazy, dishonest, and usually dangerous, operating with no regard for themselves, others, or their surroundings. Hobos are the most intelligent, safest, and best mannered of the bunch. Hobos often elect their own rulers (the Hobo King and Queen) and have some form of artistic talent. Anyway, the plan is to hobo from colorado to oregeon this june or july. I have some serious concerns ( like getting stabbed in the gut with a shiv by a bum ...