
Showing posts from December, 2009

watch out

it's a sad day when is already taken
New word straight outta tru balla industries - Momportunity
Shit man. Cage fighting
Damm donr blog via phone
There is a real show "whacked out sports" called girls gone whacked - I shit you not.
A guy who was trying to give a presentation on self multilation showed a youtube clip that specifically makes fun of emo kids does this dipshit know about anything? So funny like a jock scientist trying to "cure" homosexuality
Ass butter to go on my Coinpurse

ya i know

sorry to whoever was the wise ass - what did you search wiki_im a dork? anyway i did think of saying Juvenalian like the ancient Juvenal but i was sending said shit on my phone and was therefore wondering my own damm self on what the spelling was even though i though of Juvenal the roman asshole and how there are different types of irony juv. and the other but yeah so anyway at least i went a whole article without sayin buttchildren
Ok So I'm over the juvenal posts but it is still funny
This is what it comes down to Butt children

words and phrases

These are, in case you are not lucky enough to be around in person, sayings that are in current rotation and will soon enter vogue nomenclature as lingua franca of cool people across the globe: butt children with your mouth tossed dirty dirt mcdirt squizzert with my balls johnson taco you don't tell me I tell you patent pending first things first, shut up butt children This, in my humble opinion would make a great set of that magnetic poetry shit people have on refrigerators - go ahead and make it ur self by copying and pasting this on a word document and printing that shit then gluing it to some magnetic shit and presto - some fucking sweet butt children for your fridge.