One of my best rounds ever!

Hi there homos,
I am here to tell you about one of my greatest rounds of golf ever.

It all started on Monday morning. I was up early in anticipation. I knew I needed to be sharp and commit to my primary objective - be a good coach to the team. Getting the team to the course on time and in one piece was top priority.

The weather was cooperative in the morning. Over the Eastern plain, the sun rose with a fiery orange glow. Under foot, the grass was crisp and dry, but it still had enough green in it to play well and not give too tight of a lie in the fairway.

We had a great warm up and were feeling relaxed before the start of the tourney. Once the girls were off, the coaches got to their tee boxes and teed off.

I began on #14, a short par three reaching 166 yards guarded by bunkers on the right. A pulled eight iron put me on the left side facing a lengthy birdie putt. Leaving my first putt woefully short, my second broke hard right and I three jacked my way to bogey. Same for the 15th; good drive, good second and a heart breaking three putt.

I started to wonder if I should go check on the girls and give up the round, but I got a par and then another and then a double bogey. If you don't know me here are some personality traits to give you a clue. I love to win. I hate to lose. I love winning more than I hate losing. So, after a double, I was pissed; however, I was playing with other coaches and I couldn't swear or throw shit. I kept my cool and hit a good drive on a par 5 to reach easily in two. One superb eight iron later and I had 15 feet for eagle. Tap-in birdie was acceptable.

Now I'm feeling it. I hit sand wedge to three feet - another birdie. I almost had another hole-in-one - another birdie and shoot 39 on the front.

I promise I would not lie to you, especially about the game I love. So, you must believe me when I say what happened next was truly amazing.

Hole 11, par 5, 515 yards, I went into the matrix.

I was the ball.

I hit the biggest drive of my life.

I shit you not, 382 yards!!!

That is not a typo. No errata here. Three Hundred and Eighty Two yards!!! I went driver sand wedge, stuck it to 12 feet and lipped out eagle. Tap-in birdie was acceptable. My playing partner exclaimed, " I have never seen anything like that, that is unbelievable." That's right, I have a witness to this miracle. Another coach saw the drive to end all drives.

The final three holes were played in a 30mph wind and I finished the back with a 41 for an 80, tied with my second best score for 18 holes.

To learn more about this round email me or leave a comment with your email. Shit, leave your phone number and I will personally tell you all about it.


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