
Showing posts from December, 2007

Just when you think you're original

stupid Onion


the final flake falls softly like an umlaut in a language other than German four frozen fingers search with their boon companion, the thumb, for a lost key to the door in your mind that's been locked for a thousand years filled with red-eyed, white rabbits the size of hair salons under this blanket of white we are all doomed to happiness we are all blessed with anguish

Words You Can't Say in a High School Class

Balls Nuts Moist Shaft Hairy Crack Duty Throb Wack Crank Wiggle Post comments on any words I left off the list. There you go - never say these words unless you want a wave of giggles- even though I laugh as I look at them now.

Happy (late) Birthday

To the person who is savvy on the subjects of wine, bugs, and life! Cheers!

Top Ten Ways To Celebrate

Day of the Ninja! 10. Watch TV in someone else's underwear. 9. Hide behind curtains and call the dog - try not to laugh as dog looks confused. 8. Throw a pencil a someone while saying, "waaa-pooooow!" 7. Tap someone on the right shoulder while standing on the left. 6. Use the ol' "Did you see what I did to my elbow?" trick. 5. Jump down at least 5 stairs. 4. 3. That's how ninja 4 was - you couldn't even see it! 2. Kick James Bond's ass. 1. Stab a pirate.


and ye shall receive

take time to make time

trying too hard will show up as red spots not trying at all and the page remains blank my thoughts stage a mutiny stranding me hopeless and alone interpreting the effort becomes easy after the first twenty years you can make out the black and blue lines against a white background slants, angles and curves come together to form messages that, again, take years to interpret