Is That Mistletoe in Your Pocket? December’s scene for singles can really suck the everlasting life out of a solo cholo. It changes like the weather though, so stay optimistic. Rest assured, you won’t always be lonely because plenty of babes will be Ho Ho Ho-ing around at Christmas parties. Check for these factors to see if Yule be jolly this season, or just end up with a red nose. 1. Ye liveth in yon olde Married Lame Couple town. Every house party, get together, or other organized event you go to is mobbed with cute couples holding hands while you gaze into you red wine alone. Now Rico isn’t hip on baggin some married broad because it’s a good way to get shot. So what to do? Make like a tree and book it to a local coffee shop. Coffee smells good and the cool ones are inviting enough to hang out there alone without feeling like you have a third arm growing out of your head. (No offense) Also, it could be worth joining the chess club to get a feel for being single until the par...