Reefer Madness

The movie musical. It is so funny; the scene with Jesus - "Take a hit of GOD instead, you think you can handle the high?"

I guess it helps to love musicals, for me though, that's what I call entertainment - acting singing and dancing. This explains why I detest Hollywood, the majority of those chumps, those merchants of mediocrity, those purveyors of putridity, those venders of vetch, those - you get the idea - have none of said talents. Where was I? Oh yeah, reefer.

The original movie is on the dvd special features, that shit is crazy. The most crazy because it is real. Thanks to W. R. Hearst, mary jane is verboten but you can drink yourself to death any day of the week.


The last post was a bit out there, but damit, I was mad. Maybe I'll write about it later.
Until then, keep your one iron in the bag.


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