Not for the easily offended! But what did you expect?

I love the motherfuckin' flea market. The thing about being able to buy some stranger's sister's graduation on VHS is pretty wild. The experience goes beyond sifting through all the crap; the clientele (me included, for I rarely shower before going, or comb my hair, or brush my teeth) is just as entertaining as the junk. It's way better than the WalMart at three in the morning - those people are just fuckin' crazy - but the flea market - those are the ones looking for something specific, like a broken typewriter. Those are the one's who consider the flea market an event, like going to the movies or visiting a relative whose shit you can sort through and practically steal.

One more thing is the crazy fuckers who sell shit at the FM. I love looking at a total piece of trash with a $20 price tag on it. Then they say some shit like, " I can sell it eBay for at least that much." Like they even have a computer at home!

To a lesser extent, yard sales hold a similar appeal. Which I'm pretty sure makes me a junk monger, but oh well.


  1. Ha!

    P.S. Please compare FMs by state. Thanks.


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