
Showing posts from June, 2006

What's that strange Maxation?

"Where did that Fly go?"

Max's new favorite trick

One day a fly flew in our house. "No big deal," thought Max, "I'll just go back to sleeping on the couch - where I'm not supposed to, he he he." Max underestimated the tenacity of Luke the fly. "Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Bzz Bz Bzzzzzzz," said Luke. "Quit it," replied Max. "Bzzzzzzzzzzzzz!" "That's it, now I'm going to eat you!" Max growled. THe chase began in the living room, under the dining table, and into the kitchen. Luke was wily and showed some great moves. Max's jaws snapped with ferocious alacrity. Soon Luke made his way to the laundry room. Max gave chase. "Now I've got you," thought Max running in a wide circle, "there he is." Luke flew straight, then a hard left and down. Max found himself staring right into Molly's dish of food. "Crap, I've been tricked - this fly was just trying to get me in trouble." Enter Molly. "I frikken knew it, you bastard,...

Is it art?

Rise, if you can to Fight if you will for the love of all things true and pure Resist Refuse Create

Sing it loud

Growin the goat till I show you the goat

Tomato Lemon Fizz

The feeling of the cold steel in the palm of my hand, the grit of the dirt, and the weight of the blade make throwing knives one of my favorite activities. I recently fashioned a target out of cardboard boxes. My old target was the picnic table standing on end. THe problem with that is the larger knives would really chew up the 2x4's and I didn't want to ruing the table that much. THe wood was hard on the knives too, bending blades banana style. Now I can throw freely and still get good sticks. Oh yeah, remind me to write about my ninja moment. Ok, before I stop, I must say that everyone should start thinking about protecting themselves against rival ninja gangs by learning to throw knives. You never know when you'll find yourself in a situation and say, "Fuck, if I could only throw this knife I could save humanity."

Self Portrait

After many, many requests (okay - one) I have decided to publish a picture of myself. So, enjoy!

Picture Pages

These are some pictures I took. I hope you enjoy them, whoever you are.

Sport of Kings

Chess, as anyone with a brain knows, is the only board game that matters. Dumb people can't play chess (much like golf), which makes it all the more challenging because at times, I feel as though I can't play and I say, "Oh shit, I'm turning dumb." So the point of this is to explain the best excuse ever for losing a game of chess. I don't just mean a good excuse, or a funny excuse, I mean the best excuse (read: reason) for losing at chess ever crafted in the known universe. Are you ready? I lost at chess because the sun was in my eyes! Special thanks to K.S. for that gem.