Tomato Lemon Fizz

The feeling of the cold steel in the palm of my hand, the grit of the dirt, and the weight of the blade make throwing knives one of my favorite activities. I recently fashioned a target out of cardboard boxes. My old target was the picnic table standing on end. THe problem with that is the larger knives would really chew up the 2x4's and I didn't want to ruing the table that much. THe wood was hard on the knives too, bending blades banana style.

Now I can throw freely and still get good sticks.

Oh yeah, remind me to write about my ninja moment.

Ok, before I stop, I must say that everyone should start thinking about protecting themselves against rival ninja gangs by learning to throw knives. You never know when you'll find yourself in a situation and say, "Fuck, if I could only throw this knife I could save humanity."


  1. Your ninjas stand no chance against my pirates. Yarr doomed!


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