maybe not the greatest but oh well

I know I promised the most mind blowing post ever, but I have been preoccupied with the minutiae of daily life. Not school, not golf, not anything you might imagine that would keep me from posting the most amazing post ever - of what do I speak you wonder?
This shit is mesmerizing, I literally can't get enough of this shit. The show that tells me how propeller blades and boomerangs are made - I mean - com'on. I watched how they make fucking hotdogs, 
that shit was gross - I swear I will never eat a muthafuking hotdog again.
This one time, they made guitar strings - holy shit.
Sometimes they make lame shit like fake fireplace logs or fake fuking bonsai trees - but then I don't mind the lame shit, I just think how lucky I am that I don't have that as my fuking job. Sitting around making fake little trees??? 
Did they look through the want ads and say, 
"Whoa, am I reading this right? 
$7.75 and hour to make fake little trees? 
Dude that shit is for me!"
Now go and rejoice that I found the ink to refill the letter W on my computer! 


  1. Not a total letdown, but the whole hot dog thing has ensaddenated me. I only eat kosher dogs, does that change anything?

  2. That IS fucking cool... And I DO read your blog! Way more than you post on it!!!

  3. Also it's refreshing to see that Bug CAN say more than "____ is for suckers."

  4. p.p.s. Have you checked Onion News online yet? Get the podcasts? Shit is frikkin hilarious!

  5. I'm insulted. Insulting people is for suckers.


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