top ten rejected face book posts
i thought it would be funny but alas - too many of my "friends" are squares - not enough true ballas
1. This pudding is so good I'm gonna stick my dick in it
2. gonna try to make this crack last the weekend
E. wants to try butt fingering
4. can't put up with this shit
5. goddammit
6. thinks your shirt would look better on my floor
R. is too tipsy to work but too sober to put up with this shit
>. aint payin for no handjob gaddammit
1. This pudding is so good I'm gonna stick my dick in it
2. gonna try to make this crack last the weekend
E. wants to try butt fingering
4. can't put up with this shit
5. goddammit
6. thinks your shirt would look better on my floor
R. is too tipsy to work but too sober to put up with this shit
>. aint payin for no handjob gaddammit
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