too many
people were hip to life of riley - so fuckem those bastards can suck it i realize the irony of posting a personal diary on the muthafucking internet for the whole world to see but it was - for the most part - fucking anonymous not no mo so like i said - fuckem so dear reader - don't tell anyone about this you goddamm blabbermouths - what we do is secret (like that bad ass movie) it's not for everyone most people would be offended some of the people who would be offended (and therefore suk cox) include: white people - they ruin everything just ask the Sioux jews - hollywood sux big cox mexicans - not all mexicans - someone has to make burritos chakonkys - mostly awesome - some confusion about whether to read a book or steal it old people - i'm surprised they can even work the fucking internet young people - they too dumb to gets my humor n shit, fart, dick, balls fat people - they be all eatin all the time an thay keyboard be all greasy and sticky cuz all t...