
Dear Dummkopfs or why I wouldn't recommend a BMW

Dear Dummkopfs, Why did you make a passenger side mirror that tilts down when in reverse? This may be the worst feature in what I assure you is a long, long list. So when I try to back into a spot and use the mirrors, I can only see what the ground looks like and not the spot in to which I am trying to get. Perhaps too many miles biking around Bavaria. A cigarette and some sausage made a compound that caused this lapse in thought. Some street pretzel found its way to disrupt the engineer long enough to make what may be the biggest blunder in automotive history? Whatever the reason may be, the consternation it has caused is already more than what a human should bear. Sincerely, Rico 

This blog is ten years old

holy shit thats a long time for a electronic repository of what could be argued is mostly unreadable garbage but may as well keep it going


i almost forgot how fun it is to be vulgar so go fucking get some coffee and piss yourself with a huge dong

This thing

This is the burning I am a man on fire trapped by these walls that i built no time for remorse or regret but there should be if not how to keep going in any direction especially this one it may be that it's too late to change this path this destruction and days and months float by mostly unnoticed wondering if they were noticed if it would matter likely not it seems to be far too late too much passed too many ends that will never meet only a sadist would want to revisit an old idea a stale thought

Haven't posted in a while

Not sure why it's not like I'm busy I guess just lazy. Overall not much to mention.


This was my cousin for the majority of my childhood. I still find it hilarious.