New Scientific Theory Possible Nobel Candidate

The scientific community held its breath as renowned theorist Riley released his findings today. "I'm very excited about it," Riley commented, "the world has waited long enough." The Turd Discrepancy is as simple as it is beautiful.
Basically, the Turd Discrepancy settles the mystery of sitting on the pot feeling that a very large turd has been produced when actually the turd is quite small, often the size of a chicken nugget. The reverse is also solved when the feeling of a teeny-turd results in having to get a coat hanger to chop it up, also know as the "double-flusher."
Although Riley would not go into specific details about how the theory works, he did say this has been several years in the making. "All I wanted was an explanation," Riley averred.


  1. Can it be true? The "Two Flushes and a Butter Knife" phenomenon solved? Truly, Riley, your genius is limitless. Never stop dreaming.

  2. Ugh! Boyo... The last thing I want to hear about today is pooh!!! I'll explain later. So when ya gonna come visit The Daily Altered Ego, well sorta daily.

  3. EEEeeeeewwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!


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