Dear Loser

To Anonymous,
Grow some balls and revel yourself if you're going to post "consumer whore" on this here blog.
Also, the irony is you have a computer if you're reading this shit and you have Internet access, so I guess you're also a consumer whore. Do you live in a hut that you built yourself? On Walden pond? In Concord? You fucking hypocrite. Do you eat only food you grow yourself? I thought not. Hop in your Land Cruiser and go buy a pound of used clothes at the Goodwill and shut the fuck up.  

Meanwhile, I'll go to Starbucks and have a Venti Mocha.

Thanks for giving me something to rant about.


  1. Don't fret, Riley. It's all relative. I mean, consider Puff Daddy (a Puff by any other name...), whose party invitations instruct that you must wear designer clothing to be admitted.

    I know this because I read it in the People magazine that I bought after seeing the story on Entertainment Tonight and verifying it on the TMZ website, right before I put my chihuahua in my purse and headed out in my Hummer (H2) to buy some new Uggs to wear to the mall so I could shop for a younger, smaller chihuahua comfortably and stylishly.


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