Another Year

Man I'm old! No it's not my birthday, I am almost done with another school year. All of my kids were pretty good, they wished me a good summer - not knowing that I would be approaching hobo status (no shower, PBR's strewn about, perpetually in underwear) while they were prepping for their first year of college - Yes, 6 weeks of sitting on the couch with the tv off, watching my phone not ring, and wondering how much more I can take.

But there's always next year, like some movie you've seen before except the dialogue is somehow different and everyone else is the same age but you managed to get older and older, until you find yourself sitting here writing posts exclaiming how fucking old you are - yeah like anyone would want to read that shit.

I would like to say that I will go to the gym everyday and get all buff and shit, but you fucking know that it is about a million times easier to hook up the PBR's and watch golf on tv. So add that to a list of things that will never happen.

The most likely scenario is hitting the golf course 5 or 6 times a week. I have never been a "regular" like Norm on Cheers anywhere, but this might be a good opportunity for that. You know, just to see if I have that kind of personality (of course I don't, I'm surly, mean, and picky in case you didn't know) but more of a test for myself. Saying shit like "oh yeah, this one time at walmarts, I was shopping for new tennies and I was like EEEE, that shit is a good deal you know - cuz at kmarts I was with my babymomma and her cousin and our Escalade dint have no gas and so we cruzed kmarts looking for her auntie and I seen those same shooze and was all 'dam that's like three dollars more than at walmarts 'n shit."

Sweet - I can't fucking wait.


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