A New Leaf

As fall's golden lumen ensconces the landscape, I find myself seeing things in a more somber tone. I have started to give up on Uncyclopedia in exchange for Bartleby. I think this is the beginning of something bigger. My own private writing is coming along nicely albeit very slowly. The realization that what I think of as hilarious other people find childish still bothers me only because it pains me to see people taking themselves too seriously (or seriously at all). It is good to laugh and have fun and make fun of things, people, and ideas. Sure, some things are serious, but at what point does one say, "I'm not laughing at that fart joke"?
I ask students what defines them as individuals, and the usual answer is "personality," to which I respond, "Everyone has personality - even if it's stiff and boring." Then the thinking begins.

Now, in defense of all things sacred.

Golf is very serious - it is not a game.
It is not a pastime, or a hobby, or something to while away the hours.

It is the ultimate measure of skill, concentration, and patience.

The only time laughing is allowed is if someone tells a golf related joke, or if someone gets hit in the groin. That's it.
Or if someone takes a swing and misses the ball (whiffs it - in proper golf terminology). And nothing else. Every and all things related to the ultimate sport are to be treated with the same reverence as the Shroud of Turin or the Pope's pjs.

Now you might have noticed that I used the word "sport" for Golf. It is with the same solemnity that I refer to LIFE ITSELF as a sport.


  1. Jokes...

    Dude! Do you have an email account that you ever check? I've been trying to invite you to this insult page that Bug and I have going on!

  2. OK D uh I mean Riley, I guess I must be the serious one;
    But admit it you are to and you got even by telling me the correct pronunciation of purile. I devolved to my latin exposure.


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