Tool in Vegas

I know I write about some dumb shit - like your anus - but the trip to Vegas was the shizznit. Most dorks don't know enough about music to listen to Tool, but the real mutherfukin rockers, punkers, G's and thugs know what the fuck I'm talkin'bout.


I went to the Hilton to see the StarTrek experience. Man, was that fucking weak! Not one fucking Stormtrooper!!
I want to see some Wookies or sumthin' but NOOOOOO.
They didn't even say "nanoo nanoo" Fuckin' hillbillies.

Aside from that, Vegas was cool. I lost a mimimal amount of money, saw some crazy shit and didn't puke - yea me!

Will I go back, you're pondering.

Hell ya. What happens in a dead bum's ass - stays in a dead bum's ass.


  1. How did you know I was pondering? Are you trying to read my mind? Good thing I have a mind-reader-brainwave-garbler-esp-averting-helmet fashioned out of aluminum foil. It works for aliens too, coincidentally.

  2. Hell Yeah!!! Tool RULES! Anyone who doesn't think so is (de de de) frikkin tard and probably a Bush supporter!

  3. wrong libreath, evolution & GW. People who don't like GW don't know world geo,eco, or history. Your expression of anger & bile is a substitute for knowledge.

  4. old dog new dumbass - see what happens when you have a brain too big for your war-mongering, suv driving, walmat shopping, nascar watching body.


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