Did I mention?

In case you didn't know already,





Again - that's right beyatches
that makes four times that I have seen the greatest band ever!*
It was last Wednesday at Colorado Springs World Arena - where there are no bad seats - and even though I have seen the 10,000 days tour before, this time they had a fukin laser light show.

Dude - it was like you were trippin' these lasers were flippin around and movin all slow and shit and lookin like they were making all this wiccan triangle shit - fuck dude

AND, when they played the song 10,000 days, it was like this 20 minute jam where the stage looked like a frikkin UFO an'shit - holy fuck - man if you missed that, then I really don't see why you even have eyes or ears.

The only thing different was they didn't play The Pot - oh well they were fukin astroids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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