Max's New Invention

Pondering the thought of yet another evening reciting Frost and contemplating quantum-post-neo-anti-Darwinism (where people who should normally, Darwinically, die off from excessive stupidity are actually being rewarded in today's society, even becoming president), Max decided to invent the greatest contribution to dog kind.

The thought came from Max's uncanny ability to drip gross slobber water onto my bare toes after drinking from his giant water bowl. No small feat considering he once had to save water in his beard, walk all the way through the house, into the living room where I was watching golf and wring out his beard on my bare toes.

So his new invention was the drool-materializer. Months of planing led to his device that could transport drool on to bare feet anytime within 30 minutes of drinking and in a range of 500 feet. I'll spare you the details of the inner workings, but know that it works!


  1. That's interesting...Puck has invented a similar device which has a multitude of functions, including wrapping his snout in slime, dangling drool to lengths up to 18", and disgusting everyone within a 500' radius. He does, however, swallow completely before walking away from his bowl. To each his own, I guess.


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