Things I Might

Say to you if we lived together.
  1. I "accidentally" peed on your toothbrush
  2. What cake?
  3. I didn't think it was that dirty
  4. I'll do it later
  5. No, you're welcome
  6. Come on, just the tip
  7. What, oh - just kidding about the "tip" bit
  8. Let me check my schedule, um, NO
  9. I feel like some muthfukin Taco-Bell
  10. You didn't know I was a nudist?


  1. And I would say, thanks for at least warning me that you peed on my toothbrush. That's awfully kind and thoughtful of you. Now let's go get some muthafuckin tacos. Oh yah.

  2. 1. That's okay, I used your toothbrush to clean the toilet.
    2. The cake I made from shit and vomit to send to Hillary C.
    3. Neither did I.
    4. Do what? I'm stoned I forgot what you were talking about...
    5. No no really... Thank YOU!
    6. Alright I'll get my knife.
    7. Okay I'll get my tweezers!
    8. Ya want a beer?
    9. Damn spanky!!!
    10. I did... It's still an infortunate thing to have to see.


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