
Showing posts from April, 2008

Directions to the Road to Happiness

Dear Almost Sole Reader , I would consider that directions are only mildly helpful since one's true happiness is a place that others wouldn't care for very much. But, there are a few things that can help you get started in the right direction. Also, when I started this post I was much happier. What happened? I don't know but there are a few leads I'll be following and keep you updated. Anyway. For starters, I would keep a list of things and people you like and who make you smile - you don't need to do anything with the list, just make it and keep it somewhere. Next, make a list of all the things/people who get in the way of happiness. Take that list and burn it. If this doesn't work go out and buy some shoes. Hope this helps, D


Now that I have paid off all of my credit card debt (thanks kt) I'll soon be adding to my zero balance. I won't go into great detail ( surprised ? I didn't think so) but it all adds up to the tune of 2large. Fuck it - just "get drunk and charge it" as my trusted advisers told me. So anyway - just thought I would give my two readers a glimpse into the financial future. On the bright side, I bought Visa at 55 and today's midday number was 71 - fuck yeah! Anything else? The end of the school year is fast approaching. I know many of the two of you are wondering what I'll be up to for 7 weeks, so I'll close with a list of possibilities. 1. golfing 2. drinking 3. shooting pool 4. rocking out with my cock out 5. listening to TOOL 6. did I mention golfing? 7. preparing to empower future generations 8. reading up on some obscure topic so I can sound smart at parties 9. having parties and forcing people to listen to some shit about how it is impossible to define...

Here I go again

Sometimes the things I find myself doing/considering/pondering/expounding I wonder how truly fucking crazy I am. Why on Earth? Why me? Why would I even consider such actions? (don't even consider to venture to try to think about guessing what the hell I'm talking about - you'll never get it and I'll never tell - listen to me ramble to my two readers, sorry where was I?) In the course of my life so far, I have never been know for my pragmatism. Prolly the opposite is closer to the truth; anything seen to most as "foolish, impractical, or flat out brainless" is right up my alley. So, one could posit, that I am only doing what comes naturally. Post hoc, one could argue that, much like J. Alfred Prufrock, living a life in fear sucks. Living for someone else, or adhering to someone else's rules is for the birds (not literally of couse, birds come and go wherever and whenever, then shit on your car and listen to gansta rap 'cuz they don't give a fuck). A...


am building my  willpower. I will conquer this. I am the mountain not the thought that tries to  move it. I can see  a  future where I am  Happy Forever.