Directions to the Road to Happiness

Dear Almost Sole Reader ,

I would consider that directions are only mildly helpful since one's true happiness is a place that others wouldn't care for very much. But, there are a few things that can help you get started in the right direction. Also, when I started this post I was much happier. What happened? I don't know but there are a few leads I'll be following and keep you updated.

Anyway. For starters, I would keep a list of things and people you like and who make you smile - you don't need to do anything with the list, just make it and keep it somewhere.

Next, make a list of all the things/people who get in the way of happiness. Take that list and burn it.

If this doesn't work go out and buy some shoes.

Hope this helps,


  1. You seem to have confused me with someone who enjoys shoe shopping. Nonetheless, I may consider acting on your suggestions.

    PS. The new iMac just came out, but MacBooks are portable I'm just saying.

  2. Oh, and PPS. I could use a beer and a lecture on deconstructionism. You can hang on to your cock (no pun intended) and golfing.


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