Here I go again

Sometimes the things I find myself doing/considering/pondering/expounding I wonder how truly fucking crazy I am. Why on Earth? Why me? Why would I even consider such actions?
(don't even consider to venture to try to think about guessing what the hell I'm talking about - you'll never get it and I'll never tell - listen to me ramble to my two readers, sorry where was I?)

In the course of my life so far, I have never been know for my pragmatism. Prolly the opposite is closer to the truth; anything seen to most as "foolish, impractical, or flat out brainless" is right up my alley. So, one could posit, that I am only doing what comes naturally. Post hoc, one could argue that, much like J. Alfred Prufrock, living a life in fear sucks. Living for someone else, or adhering to someone else's rules is for the birds (not literally of couse, birds come and go wherever and whenever, then shit on your car and listen to gansta rap 'cuz they don't give a fuck).

At some point I'll be dead (don't be sad - ok be a little sad but then have a big party with hookers and tequila), and so will everyone else (because that is just part of life, and I'll be a little sad but then I'll have a big party with - you guessed it) and when my time comes I'll have a big grin on my face because I know how fun it it to live a totally absurd life.

Now I leave you to
play with my switchblade,
eat a bag of Oreos,
wear cashmere muthafukin' socks,
smoke some crack,
shoot tequila,
use a chainsaw in my barefeet,
give myself a Black Sabbath tattoo on my arm,
collect old typewriters,
and giggle my head off for no reason at all.


  1. No pragmatism, but good punctuation? What gives?

  2. What mean you by absurdity? realizing that life has no meaning but living as if it does anyway? Or just acting like an ass half the time? I can go either way, myself.


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