now then

I think it's my competitive nature (of course I'm talking about golf here), but whatever the cause, I simply can't make it.
I hope you'll understand. And anyway, my lone reader, I'm sure if I were there I would be a total asshole, getting dee-runk and shouting some incoherent babble followed by shouting "this is america gaadammit" and then throwing up on your best friend's shoes and telling your other friends that their favorite ___________ ( fill in with band, pet, color, restaurant, movie, book, tv show, brand of cigarette, political leanings, supermarket, fruit or vegetable, clothes and or shoe brand, etc. ad nauseam) sucks balls in the most profound way.

So, the way I look at it - I'm doing you a huge favor.
You're welcome. 


  1. Fine whatever. I don't like you as much as I used to anyway, so it's cool if you don't come.

  2. You're quite awesome. Win big oh yah.


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