
The house was hot as usual, the smell was gone for the most part, there was a mess in the kitchen, and the dirty clothes on the floor were starting to form a coalition. Moths kept appearing from nowhere making me think that all of my nice wool suits were being eaten, not that I cared - I haven't worn a suit in a while and it's not looking like I was going to in the near future. Sleeping is still a problem. I am not sure why, but getting up around five in the am is starting to suck balls.

After a few minutes with the fan on the house should cool down. Must resist the temptation to drink a tasty clamato PBR. Must stay fresh for this week and next. Must keep writing about how the end of the world is not near - not by a fucking long shot. The misery index is barely starting to peek its head out of its shell. 

If each day is a reason to smile then each day is a reason to make me a grilled cheese - cuz that shit would make me smile. 

The low rattle of the fan starts to get on my nerves as I think of The Plan. It's Built to Spill, it's a great song. I would say for years, "my plan is to not make any plans." Now I plan shit all the time. I have to plan time to make more fucking plans. That's why I say the end of the world is not even close - first it needs to make a save the date card, then mail a reminder, then a follow up phone call, then POW the fucking end of the world.

We haven't even seen hot yet. It was 90 degrees today, but more like 120 between my wrinkled coin purse and my thighs. So, to everyone who complained about the snow, grab a cool wet wash cloth and come smooth out the sac.

Lastly, PBR fucking rocks - no that wasn't it, oh yeah, I will be teaching creative writing to some Russian exchange student - I need to come up with some better ideas for making money. This guy is like Turgenyev 'n shit. His cover letter was better than most people's theses (rhymes with feces). He will go back to Mother Russia and be all, "them fools can't write - I had to bust'em off some 'ol crazy shit."

In Russia, creativity writes YOU.


  1. You said, "suck balls" heh-heh...

  2. Yah, I complained about winter. I'm still not touching your nasty coin purse.


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