fucking face book

whats the sitches bitches?
i can tell you right now that i didnt plan on being on that shit but after the millionth person told me that i was missing out on keeping in touch with all kinds of people i had almost forgotten about i figured what the whom and bit the big one and so now i am in the process of 
friend shopping
that's right - you read it here first bitches
friend shopping is a term for
shopping for people i want to be friends with and not adding people that i know but dont care to be friends with so i shop for the people who are still barely my friends but i figured that it wouldnt hurt to add some people i know to see if there was anything going on or whatever - so if you know me and want to FB friend me then fucking go for it and much like my old MySpace page it will go the way of the white buffalo  


  1. Friendshopping sucks on myspace anyway. All the buffalo roam on facebook now.


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