Movie Reviews and New Rating System

That's right 
I said Reviews, not just one but many, many many reviews.
The Piece of Shit Movie that is 

Pineapple Express

Holy crap, this is what passes for ganja movie these days? Absolute Crap from start to finish. Let's go over a checklist of movie components:
Acting: Crap
Dialogue: Crap
Plot: Crap
Setting, DVD Cover Art, Cinematography, Run Time, Premise, Devices, Characterization, Credits: Crap, Crap, Crap, Crappitycrapcrap! 

To think the once great genre pioneered by Cheech and Chong is reduced to PnaplExprs. Even How High was better and that movie sucked. With similar qualities to a Doritos' commercial, this uninspired travesty of a movie failed at even the most basic elements of a stoner movie. 
I give PnAplXrps 3 limp Donkey Dick sangwitches 

Then I watched 
Iron Man
Ok for a Marvel flick - I never really liked RD Jr. but he was ok in this - I think he was better in A Scanner Darkly but whatever. Jeff what's his name is really good as the traitor.
I give IrnMn 5 Golden Burritos

Then I fucking watched 
Hell Boy II Electric Boogaloo
It was ok - I like the genre so I start with a liking it bias, but the whole fire chick being preggers was weak and the lovey dovey shit with that one frog dude and the sister of that fucking methhead could have been cool if there was some freakiedeakie alien sex shit but watevs. I still liked the writing and overall visual effects of the movie.   
I give HlBoi2GldnRmy 2 Fur Tacos - they would have been wet tacos but Hlboi uses his gun to solve too many problems  instead of using diplomacy.

Stay tuned for next week when I review some other shit in my Netflix que


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