
Showing posts from January, 2009

Dear Diary

today fucking sucked in fact the majority of this month sucked - things have not been rolling Riley's way as of late. what is going on? in a past life did i squash too many bugs or was i a bird who shit on the pope or did i fuck somebody over on a used car? anyway - what sucked you're asking - or not thursday was a shit day with these little fucking assholes i like to call 6th hr fuck them when i think that this profession is great i am reminded that  6th hr sucks the fun out of it and the life out of me then there is dealing with  personal relationships why try is the question i ask my self "Why?" self I say, "why bother being civil to people who send clear messages that I matter not?" the message may translate to  give up already  idiot I am clearly a moron or a mormom either way I am fucked this is some major league bull shit so then the other thing is that my dad might be coming back to live in my basement and drink all my beer fucking yay yippity fuckin...

Face Book

So all of my readers - I know most of you have facebook accts. which is cool - since I know that you are the "cool kids" - as proved by reading this here 'blog.  BUT but many of those fags on FB are a bunch o' dooshes as evidenced by their unwavering support of BUSH and their blase attitude toward Obama. WTF is wrong with these people? Did they not pay attention to the entire world for the last 8 yrs? seriously so here's what the fuck I did I said Fuck Them - fuck them in their stupid asses  and then I deleted their asses  that's right I had a whole buttload of "friends" that are now doosh bags relegated to the realm of dooshiness also fuck Sen. Cornyn - what an asshole

2 minute review - movie version - may take longer and include other stuff

Man - Jack Black - you were so funny in al that Tenacious D shit, but now I just don't know. Be Kind Rewind friggen sucked The only thing that could have made this movie worse would be to have a cameo by Jude Law Ultimately, it's just not that funny. I give bkndrwnd One Portion of Chewed Fat


It appears that my ideas are running dry - but I'm open to suggestions - and I'm not talking about butseks