Dear Diary

today fucking sucked
in fact the majority of this month sucked - things have not been rolling Riley's way as of late.
what is going on?
in a past life did i squash too many bugs
was i a bird who shit on the pope
did i fuck somebody over on a used car?
anyway - what sucked you're asking - or not
thursday was a shit day with these little fucking assholes i like to call 6th hr
fuck them
when i think that this profession is great i am reminded that 
6th hr sucks the fun out of it and the life out of me
then there is dealing with
 personal relationships
why try
is the question i ask my self
"Why?" self I say, "why bother being civil to people who send clear messages that I matter not?" the message may translate to 
give up already 
I am clearly a moron
or a mormom
either way
I am fucked
this is some major league bull shit
so then the other thing is that my dad might be coming back to live in my basement and drink all my beer
fucking yay yippity fucking yay
i'm goddamm 28 years old ;)
i don't need to have someone all up in my shit any more
so fuck all this
teaching in Thailand
here i come
and the whole dance thing - fuck that board - a bunch o' honkeys that don't have shit to do but tell other people what to do
almost done
i can only hope that february is better that this crap
fucking die bastards - i got in the slowest line at the bank
i washed my car and the first stall took .50$ fucking keyboard doesnt even have a cent key
fucking other stall didn't switch from soap to rinse
so now my cars all spotty
i ran out of fucking quarters
fuck it all
on the bright side
Dr. KF came up to me and gave me a big hug which is weird b/c i always thought she hated me
maybe she does and this is just some passive aggressive shit
but she seemed sincere
and asked me to stay on as part of the scwp and work on the political liaison side of things
to which i said
fuck you 
honkey bitch - jk
i hugged her back and pressed her boob into mine and maybe rubbed my boner a little on her leg and said
you like that
i said of course your highness
yessa massa
ttfn fuckers


  1. what is that supposed to mean????

  2. Whatever you want it to.

    Ok, I gots us our new theme, finally. As many stereotypes and clichés as possible, within the framework of, say, political commentary or something. Or whatever... I'm not sure I can handle a whole month of politics, actually.

  3. don't forgetz you gots a badass dvd in yo's pimp'n ride! ...thats gotta be somethin to smile about?


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