2 minute review - movie version - may take longer and include other stuff

Man - Jack Black - you were so funny in al that Tenacious D shit, but now I just don't know.
Be Kind Rewind
friggen sucked
The only thing that could have made this movie worse would be to have a cameo by
Jude Law
Ultimately, it's just not that funny.
I give bkndrwnd
One Portion of Chewed Fat


  1. But...it's directed by that guy that made the white stripes lego video. Us white people eat up that kind of shit like tofu cheese burgers...It must be good,it's got indy cred and looks like the director doesn't know a D.P.* from his asshole.

    Naw I'm just kidding that movie looks like a fucking piece of shit. Well Riley, you have no one to blame but yourself,you couldn't tell from the trailer? I think what Camille Paglia said about rape also applies to people who watch shitty movies and then bitch about it.Short version: you were asking for it.

    *D.P.= director of photography. Apparently, these days a movie isn't hip or alternative unless it looks like it was filmed with a VHS camcorder or edited by a cracked out 5 year old.


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