Face Book

So all of my readers - I know most of you have facebook accts. which is cool - since I know that you are the "cool kids" - as proved by reading this here 'blog. 
but many of those fags on FB are a bunch o' dooshes
as evidenced by their unwavering support of BUSH and their blase attitude toward Obama.
WTF is wrong with these people?
Did they not pay attention to the entire world for the last 8 yrs?
here's what the fuck I did
I said Fuck Them - fuck them in their stupid asses
 and then
I deleted their asses
 that's right
I had a whole buttload of "friends" that are now doosh bags relegated to the realm of dooshiness
fuck Sen. Cornyn - what an asshole


  1. Gotta love cleanin' house. Figuratively, of course.

  2. I GOTS US THE THEME. And no, it ain't luv.

  3. Damn. I had it and then I lost it. Well, it is

    American Heart Month
    American History Month
    Black History Month
    Children's Dental Health Month
    International Friendship Month
    National Cherry Month
    National Embroidery Month
    National Grapefruit Month
    National Snack Food Month
    National Wild Bird Feeding Month
    Responsible Pet Owners' Month

    Take your pick. I'm leaning towards grapefruit.


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