
What it is readers?
This time it's time for some fun time with some muthafukin letters
chalk it up to a previous post i did wit some shit about some shit you kant say in the muthafukin classroom witout all them kids laughin an shit
so here is go
in kinda alphabetical muthafukin order
a hole
eat out my a
kiss my a

 get f'ed in the b
take it in the b
smells like some b up in here

C, D, E:

f that
get f'ed in the a
f'ed in the b
go f yourself
f this
f'n a
just one f'n minute
f u
f u 2
what the f
etc, ad nauseam

is you a g or what?

H, I, J, K:
what the h?
go f urself k?
i'm gonna j o later to a picture of that

L, M, N, O:
l my a
i'm gonna show her my o face o, o, o (waiting the movie)
now get out there and win m k
l my n's k?

P, Q, R, S:
 i would l her in the p
 i gotta take a s
r u done yet?
r u gonna f her/him later?
r u gonna eat that?
s my balls

T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z:
i have to t a s
u gonna...
y u so gay?


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