I'm sick of conservatives

People who actually label themselves "conservatives" need a punch in the throat. Sitting around the house, literally, because they're so fucking fat, watching NASCAR drivers waste gas by racing in a fucking circle, drinking Mountain Dew - or worse Busch - then complaining about Democrats is the direct cause of the demise of this great country.

Cheering GW Bush on as he rapes the country and makes the world hate the US is not the way to secure our future.

The part that makes me the most angry is that real issues are being ignored and trivial issues are being blown beyond reason. For instance - gay marriage; gays are tax payers, gays are tolerant of other people's views, gays don't kill a half million Iraqis; therefore, gays should get married all they want. Straight people get married and divorced as thoughtlessly as changing shoes - what's the BFD? Marriage is as about as sacred as using an ATM.

Another false issue - Immigration.
If you're against immigration just come out and say you don't like Mexicans - you fucking racist bastard! Last I checked, unless your last name is Red Cloud or Running Deer, then you are the direct descendent of an immigrant. The argument that they take jobs is pure bullshit - no fat, lazy, ignorant son or daughter of a conservative would pick vegetables or clean hotel rooms.

The US is made of stolen pieces of Mexico in the first place, Texas, pronounced Tae-Hass, Califas, El Paso, Fucking New Mexico - what the hell? Do people think that the US was just magically formed into its current shape?

Anyone care to disagree? That's ok - you have the right to be a brain dead moron. If you really want to fight - just let me know - you'll be so out of breath by the time you pull your lard ass off the couch all I'll need is to give you the ol' Jamaican ceiling Fan.

One exception - the right-wing jock who joined the young republicans to give their bigotry, hate, and racism some hint of validity. Don't worry, I'll still kick your ass. Chess, golf, pool, darts, plain'ol ass thumpin, mom jokes, tennis; you name it - you suck at it. Save the world if you're truly brave.


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