You Say Liberal Like it's a Bad Thing

On the news that yet another priest had inappropriate contact with a child, I am forced to write about the hypocrites who claim moral high ground while they are philosophically bound to the criminals, creeps, and cretins who exploit children, ruin the environment, and destroy the last bastions of personal freedom in the name of conservative politics.

The most awful part of this most unfunny joke is that the very people who should be raging to the defense of liberty are the same ones who tow the line for the new third Reich.

People who are anti-union are at the height of being anti-American. All the dollars you spend at walmart might as well be spent on poison for the working class. Hours you spend on your ass in front of the TV are hours that keep the political power concentrated among a handful of families. Not caring about the vanishing of quality public education is tantamount to not caring about the past, present, or future, so long as you have your microwave, computer, and SUV.

The arrogance

Saved but published as a draft - Ed.


  1. You say hours spent on your ass in front of the TV like it's a bad thing.

  2. So now that I'll be able to get my license back I'm thinking of getting a strech Hummer with an extra gas tank to fuel my Honda generator so I can power my laptop, Plasma TV and Microwave.

  3. What about your vegan smoothie maker and electric ab stimulator machine?


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