My New Favorite Drink

My wife calls it Hobo Juice - she clearly is mistaken. It's Hobo Sauce, duh.

Really, it is perfection in a glass; it is the warmth of Jesus and the grace of god; it is Love in liquid form and the delight of a thousand singing angels. It is red wine and coke.

My old roomate turned me on to it when I lived in New York. Now most people are probably saying, "Eewww - gross," but that is to be expected from such small minds.

One part coke to two parts red wine and ice if you want, then sit back and enjoy.


  1. Yup. That will never fit into this small mind.

  2. try it first - then I'll change the small mind comment to something like "more discerning palettes..."

  3. OK, maybe for New Year's. You in?


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