It has been a long

fucking time since my last post. I guess I was in awe of the Spree. But now beeyatches, I am reminded of something new to be in awe of

Yes people - that's what it is

"You got to kill it before you can grill it"
The man is the true embodiment of what it means to live out the American Dream.
"This is what I do 365 - This guitar is what I do 365, this bow and arrow is what I do 365"
"Do you feel it?" "You feel that shit"
That's when I screamed out from my second row seat - "Yes, I feel that shit!"
Highlights of the show include Journey to the center..., Cat Scratch..., Stranglehold, Great White Buffalo, Free for all, and his tribute to all of his "soul brothas."
Anything else going on?
No -
I have been busy as all get out with school and coaching golf. I have a myspace page that I haven't looked at since July. Max has his duct tape removed - a huge hail storm fucked up my car and broke a window out of the house.
Post some comments and I'll be happy to oblige my one faithful reader of whatever they might enjoy reading about ;)


  1. It is I, your faithful reader. I commend your ode to the Nuge, and would like further information on proper duct tape technique--specifically, does it work only for black lab mixes, or is it also compatible with terriers?


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