
Showing posts from July, 2008

Another 2 second movie review

Get ready for the muthafukin Dark muthafukin Knight! Dude! That shit rocks - and Heath L as the Joker - freaking awesome Man that one scene with the pencil - holy fuck. And that other one where that one dude dies - dammmm. The only thing that was kinda weak was that Maggie Jill and Hall looked like a cutting board with teeth.  There - I think that was two seconds.

2 second movie review

So, there I was. Sitting on a nexflix movie for the last 2.35 weeks, not watching it because, well because I don't watch a lot of movies. Anyway, there I was just a few minutes ago watching this piece of shit because I had some down time and got tired of cnbc and pow this movie sucks sucks balls big time Before the Devil Knows You're Dead omg do NOT watch this piece of crap I started and in like two minutes I had the dvd on 1.5x speed, then on 10x speed, finally I turned that shit up to 30x speed and even then it was too fucking slow and boring a guy robs a jewelry store, shoots his mom or some shit the brother set him up the dad finds out and kills his ass in a hospital throw in the total PORN scene at the beginning and some bullshit second robbery and ta da what a piece of total fucking shit but don't take my word for it if you live in Colorado Springs (or anywhere else for that matter) and have a "respect life" license plate then chances are you would fucking ...

Better than hobo juice?

Faithful readers will remember my beloved Hobo Juice. It is a legitimate drink called a Calimocho, (very popular in Spain and parts of S. America) which is a mixed drink of red wine and Coke or diet Coke, on ice, in a tumbler. Freaking YUM!  Anyway, the next big thing in mixology, maybe the next big thing in the history of all things that are vital to the universe, maybe the single greatest gift to humanity, or at least in the top five is a new drink very similar to a Brass Monkey (malt liquor with a splash of orange juice) is the ghetto mimosa, or the rattlesnake, or POR, or just an Orange Ribbon. That's right. PBR and orange juice! Ta Da. It is sofa king good . You really can't beat it for a refreshing summer time trip to heaven. In a pint glass, pour >2 oz. of orange juice and top off with an ice-cold can of PBR and enjoy. I am "officially" naming this drink an ORANGE RIBBON (trademark, patent pending).  So, the next time you go to a bar, say "I'll hav...

Insert title here (instead of your ass)

Now is where (or "when" you picky fuckers) I go on and on about how the summer flew by and I didn't do shit.  Those of you who have to work all the time - otherwise known as chumps - will give me no quarter but who cares? I mean whom cares? Ok, so I did some writing, not just for this piece of shit blog, but for a legit paper that those cool kids know about and read and love and... But other than play in the city tourney, and teach a creative writing class, work a wine festival in Paonia , spank it, and invent the internet, I didn't do shit.  Not that I didn't want to be more productive, but I feel that the Earth's gravitational pull is especially strong in my ass. In fact, right now I have a team of scientists studying the phenomena. They are calling it " Culo Magnetico " - (yes they're Mexican scientists, you fucking racists).  Sure, I discussed the coming armageddon, but seriously, who didn't?  So I know you're all on the edge of you ...


golf was cool - the first two days were shit - but I shot 77 on the last day


you people are cruel