2 second movie review

So, there I was. Sitting on a nexflix movie for the last 2.35 weeks, not watching it because, well because I don't watch a lot of movies. Anyway, there I was just a few minutes ago watching this piece of shit because I had some down time and got tired of cnbc and pow
this movie sucks
sucks balls big time
Before the Devil Knows You're Dead
omg do NOT watch this piece of crap
I started and in like two minutes I had the dvd on 1.5x speed, then on 10x speed, finally I turned that shit up to 30x speed and even then it was too fucking slow and boring
a guy robs a jewelry store, shoots his mom or some shit the brother set him up the dad finds out and kills his ass in a hospital throw in the total PORN scene at the beginning and some bullshit second robbery and
ta da
what a piece of total fucking shit
but don't take my word for it if you live in Colorado Springs (or anywhere else for that matter) and have a "respect life" license plate then chances are you would fucking love this shit cuz you also have FBR.
did that take longer than 2 seconds - cuz I watched this crap in about 10 minutes and was thinking even that was too long


  1. Whom watches stupid movies? Flint and me only watch the good one.


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