Ok reader, you know that I am usually not offensive at all - I hate people who offend me, and I am never opinionated - say what you want, that's just my opinion, but I am going out on a limb here to be political. Now my politesse in never in question, and my politic behavior is cromulent, but I have to go off on ALL THESE FUCKING RACISTS WHO SUPPORT MCCAIN JUST BECAUSE HIS OPPONENT IS ALMOST BLACK. I ask you, Palin supporters, just how fucking retarded are you? Because my retard-o-meter exploded when she opens her goddamned racist mouth. The worst is that I think McCain is A-OK, but compared to Obama, he is political dog shit. The racism is rampant in McCain supporters. Just ask any single one of them to explain ANY of his policies in ANY amount of detail and give ANY reason why it is better than Obama's. Do it! Fucking do it now. See. Not one can tell you shit about a McCain policy. Republicans are proud of their ignorance. This is why it is impossible to ...