
Showing posts from October, 2008


Ok reader,  you know that I am usually not offensive at all - I hate people who offend me,  and I am never opinionated - say what you want, that's just my opinion,   but I am going out on a limb here to be political.  Now my politesse in never in question,  and my politic behavior is cromulent,  but I have to go off on  ALL THESE FUCKING RACISTS WHO  SUPPORT MCCAIN JUST BECAUSE  HIS OPPONENT IS ALMOST BLACK. I ask you, Palin supporters,  just how fucking retarded are you?  Because my retard-o-meter exploded  when she opens her goddamned racist mouth. The worst is that I think McCain is A-OK,  but compared to Obama, he is political dog shit.  The racism is rampant in McCain supporters.  Just ask any single one of them to explain ANY of his policies in ANY amount of detail and give ANY reason why it is better than Obama's.  Do it!  Fucking do it now.  See.  Not one can tell you shit about a McCain policy. Republicans are proud of their ignorance.  This is why it is impossible to ...

Guess who I just interviewed!

Amy Tan - you know, the author? Joy Luck Club? hello? Anyway it was cool as shit - shit in Antarctica bitches. For the full interview read PULP or some shit 

I lied about the class - it was tits.

Staring into the shattered mirror, I see the fragments of my life. Some pieces are more complete and show a clear reflection, while others are dark shards that cut deep if you try to handle them. Let go of some pain. Pain I never wanted to acknowledge but always knew was there. Why pain? Because no one ever wants to let go of their most loved moments. Letting go, catharsis is the word, releases emotions as simply as the pen flicks across the page. Letting go of this idea that somehow I was inferior, never up to some drunkenly imagined standard that was soon forgot is a whisky haze. The release is mostly healthy, but it incites anger as deep as the mostly ignored pain. The kind of anger that makes burn marks in my mind thus not ever allowing me to let go of it completely. It deepens the marks a reminder of how I would never choose to be. Peering into the pieces, some peer back, these notions of destruction bent on forcing me to confront them, culprits long dead and few caring ears ensur...

I took a creative writing class

Here's what I came up with. um, uh, like, yeah...

Me Talk Monet One Day


and a nuther thing

some of you mac users could help a brotha out wit some tips an shit


No one says shit about my fabu photo from Craig CO - but tell the truth about a mac being a piece of shit and watch the muthafucking sky fall. To sum up: I bought an iMac because I thought I needed a new 'puter (which I did, sort of) and then had buyers remorse because I could have picked up a new sony vaio (top rated 'puter of all time) for about $500 less, then I wrote about it, and bam shitstorm. Thoreau would be pissed.

Mac v PC

A lot has been written about the battle between Macs and PC - everyone has seen the stupid commercials that prey upon t he wannbe hipster who wished they were a graphic designer or some other rock star type job , meanwhile portraying the PC as a stodgy old fucker who is clearly out of touch and a McCain/Palin supporter-douch bag. So here you go people - Macs Suck Big Donkey Balls You heard me Macs Suck They suck as hard as a drunk prom date they suck at everything I know from first hand experience. I have three PC laptops (don't ask why I have three - one Toshiba, one HP and one Dell all of them Windows based from Windows 98 to Vista all of them at least $400 cheaper than a Mac equivalent) I have also had a mac book pearl and now am the sorry fucking owner of a $1200 piece of shit iMac. The programs I download and install aren't there when I restart the thing - it won't burn a CD without creating two or three CD drink coasters first. It freezes when it runs into something ...

Oh wait, here it is.
