Mac v PC

A lot has been written about the battle between Macs and PC - everyone has seen the stupid commercials that prey upon the wannbe hipster who wished they were a graphic designer or some other rock star type job, meanwhile portraying the PC as a stodgy old fucker who is clearly out of touch and a McCain/Palin supporter-douch bag.

So here you go people -

Macs Suck Big Donkey Balls

You heard me

Macs Suck

They suck as hard as a drunk prom date

they suck at everything

I know from first hand experience. I have three PC laptops (don't ask why I have three - one Toshiba, one HP and one Dell all of them Windows based from Windows 98 to Vista all of them at least $400 cheaper than a Mac equivalent)

I have also had a mac book pearl and now am the sorry fucking owner of a $1200 piece of shit iMac. The programs I download and install aren't there when I restart the thing - it won't burn a CD without creating two or three CD drink coasters first. It freezes when it runs into something unusual - fucking Safari won't open half the internet, the other half it opens with errors that make it unusable. The things I would use on it are MS programs. Meanwhile, I can fire up the Toshiba and it still works fine.

I'm not saying PCs are great, this fucking Dell crashes at least once a week, but considering the cost and ease of use and intuitive nature of the PC it wins hands down against the iMac that won't keep applications, is the most unintuitive fucking thing I have ever seen, and just overall sucks. All the cool things my iBook could do, like connect to any printer or camera, my newer PCs can do now too.

Other Apple products that suck:
iPod - status symbol that I own from 4 years ago, overpriced mp3 player
iPhone - I used to want one - because it shouts, "I have way too many dollars and not enough sense."
iCockring - way too small for my huge penis
iCar, AKA VW Jetta - actually I love my Jetta so fuck that, the Jetta Rocks!
iRace - smug, rich and white, often seen with a starbucks venti mocha and wearing $200 shoes that look like they were stolen from a bowling alley. Hitler would approve
iOffender - this blog
iStock - symbol aapl, last quote $93 a few months ago $193

McCain is the devil and Palin is a whore. Palin makes Hillary Clinton look like the love child of Mother Teresa and Einstein.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to hit up SBUX to get my Venti Mocha, mmmmm!


  1. Sacrilege. Blasphemy. I will prey four you're sole.

  2. "four you're sole."

    ...That's hilarious.

    Thanks Riley. I also think the ipod is a fucking joke.

  3. waah, waah, waah!
    sent from my iphone

  4. I always knew you were ignorant... See your problem is, well you know. Anyway, suck it up and get apps that work from someplace other than Limewire! The only thing that is correct in this article is your comments about McCain and Palin.


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