Guess who I just interviewed!

Amy Tan - you know, the author? Joy Luck Club? hello?
Anyway it was cool as shit - shit in Antarctica bitches.
For the full interview read PULP or some shit 


  1. WHOM fucking fuck this shit is so lame when you go on about all your supposably and then you're all my grammar is so awesome and then people are all like yah better listen to riley and then everyone is all whom what the hell is that and it spreads and no one learns and everyone else forgets and then the world falls to shit and blogs the world over reflect the decline of american intelligence and it's all your fault, then how will you feel?

    Way to go on the interview, though.

  2. yes - indeed, when the readability of casual writing is the point and not the correctness of the randomly and contrived and antiquated rules of grammar then who and whom can be, nay should be, interchanged - no one would ever say, "Guess whom I just interviewed?" No One.


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