
Showing posts from 2009

watch out

it's a sad day when is already taken
New word straight outta tru balla industries - Momportunity
Shit man. Cage fighting
Damm donr blog via phone
There is a real show "whacked out sports" called girls gone whacked - I shit you not.
A guy who was trying to give a presentation on self multilation showed a youtube clip that specifically makes fun of emo kids does this dipshit know about anything? So funny like a jock scientist trying to "cure" homosexuality
Ass butter to go on my Coinpurse

ya i know

sorry to whoever was the wise ass - what did you search wiki_im a dork? anyway i did think of saying Juvenalian like the ancient Juvenal but i was sending said shit on my phone and was therefore wondering my own damm self on what the spelling was even though i though of Juvenal the roman asshole and how there are different types of irony juv. and the other but yeah so anyway at least i went a whole article without sayin buttchildren
Ok So I'm over the juvenal posts but it is still funny
This is what it comes down to Butt children

words and phrases

These are, in case you are not lucky enough to be around in person, sayings that are in current rotation and will soon enter vogue nomenclature as lingua franca of cool people across the globe: butt children with your mouth tossed dirty dirt mcdirt squizzert with my balls johnson taco you don't tell me I tell you patent pending first things first, shut up butt children This, in my humble opinion would make a great set of that magnetic poetry shit people have on refrigerators - go ahead and make it ur self by copying and pasting this on a word document and printing that shit then gluing it to some magnetic shit and presto - some fucking sweet butt children for your fridge.


now that i approach 222 on the fb i seriously wonder how many are cruzin right now with a respect life license plate and a jesus fish on their car seriously my friends are working in the salt mines digging for what is right wearing leather and cussing while beer has no chance of getting warm with the words to Luck be a Lady floating somewhere in the morass


person was to be the one person who should be there are many reasons to just say fuck it and let it all fade away

reprint from the funniest writer ever

Is That Mistletoe in Your Pocket? December’s scene for singles can really suck the everlasting life out of a solo cholo. It changes like the weather though, so stay optimistic. Rest assured, you won’t always be lonely because plenty of babes will be Ho Ho Ho-ing around at Christmas parties. Check for these factors to see if Yule be jolly this season, or just end up with a red nose. 1. Ye liveth in yon olde Married Lame Couple town. Every house party, get together, or other organized event you go to is mobbed with cute couples holding hands while you gaze into you red wine alone. Now Rico isn’t hip on baggin some married broad because it’s a good way to get shot. So what to do? Make like a tree and book it to a local coffee shop. Coffee smells good and the cool ones are inviting enough to hang out there alone without feeling like you have a third arm growing out of your head. (No offense) Also, it could be worth joining the chess club to get a feel for being single until the par...

Amy Tan

Interview with Amy Tan By Riley In case you just came out of a cave that you’ve been living in for the last 20 you’ll know that Amy Tan is a world famous author. Most literate Puebloites know that All Pueblo Reads is a project sponsored by the library and this year the book is The Joy Luck Club by, you guessed it, Amy Tan. As an interviewer, I was intimidated, this is after all a person who has been interviewed by Toni Morrison, so I had some big shoes to fill. What I discovered is that she is funny, very nice and easy to talk to and she has a lot to say. PULP: Will this be your first time in Pueblo? AT: Yes, we have driven around the four corners area but I don’t think that’s too close to Pueblo, so I’m excited. I have been planned to come to Pueblo for the last two years. P: You have a connection to Pueblo; will you tell us a bit more about that? AT: I’ve been planning to visit for two years because my brother and sister-in-law moved to Pueblo two years ago and they to...


getting ready for pool night motherfuckers this is how i roll im bout ready to spend a g on a muthafukin pool cue its a handmade shit some fukin picasso fo yo ass and i'll be all - how you like this shit and be like don't touch it muthafuka or i'll fukin beat yo ass this shit cost a g an shit you aint up on this shit cuz you gotta be a tru balla to have a fukin pool stick that cost a g

how 'bout this

come on down and get a sniff

disco is dead but not disc golf

The Bro, The Dude and The Sweet – Free Recreation in Pueblo Bro, City Park is the Central Park of Pueblo, and while last I checked I didn’t see any movie stars walking their pug-a-poos, there are two things we have that many New Yorkers envy – Disc Golf and a Skate Park. Dude, the disc golf course is no joke. A world-renowned 18-hole track, the challenging course has hosted the Colorado Disc Golf Championships. Before its redesign in 1999 it was reputed to be the 3 rd oldest course in the United States, the course at City Park is free to play and most of the time not overcrowded, although there are times when you might have to wait to play and watch out for flying objects. But to capture the spirit of the game I went to the source and found some local Pueblonians who play disc golf. Anthony XXXX has been playing disc golf for 22 years and remembers well the changes of ’99. “It was shorter before the redesign. It’s still basically the same,” XXXX said. “The new design requires yo...

some pulp shit to keep you busy

Don’t Bogart That Bike My Friend Pueblo gears up (barf) for a bike collective. Rafael Cletero spoke to a group of more than 30 like-minded citizens working towards Pueblo’s first ever bicycle collective. The event, Saturday May 18 th filled the newly founded Living Room venue. So what exactly is a bike collective? Well it is easier to explain what it isn’t. It is not a free bike repair and maintenance shop. Nor is it a free bike ride to wherever you want and then just ditch the bike or return it destroyed with missing parts (thank you very little Tyrone from the 10 th grade). It is more of an educational service provided to the biking public looking to improve their bicycle ownership skills or perhaps volunteer to service and catalogue donated bikes, parts, and service hours. Ideally bike collectives also provide a lending library, much like a traditional media library. As modeled in other cities, the conditions for “checking out” a bike require a valid id and credit card. ...


will come soon


take this now sit there i hate this town 90 percent of the time fucking assholes that's where there's discrimination - because people can't behave

sad day

i am pretty sure that my bird is gone there are eggs in the nest most likely a cat with their dreaded claws either way i'm bummed that bird was cool  it would hang out right by my door then fly as soon as it heard you which by the way where are my fox i know the owls are gone that didn't last long but if ur a fuckin owl than  who gives a  hoot

wake up

find the elusive item that  haunted you with its disappearance  there may not be an answer because the question was flawed  as the uncarved block told me wake up! this is what you were looking for now embrace it


if i can pull this off this neil diamond shit this wonderful plan  a sweeping coup  that will leave others bewildered my soul strewn across a purple velvet sky sparkling scintillating swiftly scattering  a stream of joy and diamonds if i can pull it off  i will have it all


it was sad to see you go but that will pass and i'll look back with the vague feeling that i was there too but i didn't do anything to stop it so now is all i have the now that points in all directions but backwards i can only be happy that i caught a glimpse even if it was fleeting it was there i was there even if i was fleeting i can't be sad if i have the now now is the time for love and love is all i need


getting kinda weird - like i had de ja vu from about 10 years ago and am just now remembering it - fuck some strange shit but in a good whey  - i mean weigh any way it's a good place to be but i get despondent at times and then negative and then some intense hatred for certain nouns but it never lasts long and then i think if it ever got too too bad i could still deal but mostly it's an interesting peacefulness which is helped by the presence of tinkerbell sometimes the restlessness won't subside and i need to get out like the whole brazil thing it would be about a grand but fuck it i have money and my stocks are coming up and i can sell plasma and if i decide to not go then fuck it too  i can play golf and  drink beer and wait to start the season again and how long can that last? fuck the gre - i'm ready to go in a week and i hope i don't totally bomb the fucking math section that shit is hard - i mean i can divide by pi and shit but fuck but now for the really ser...

For Real???

Brazil sex appeal duck bill toe, heel (not so) cheap thrill power drill evil seal Brazil


I could be luckier - but that would be asking a lot


we sway or we used to i said there can be nothing greater or i used to we flow or we used to flitting and drifting i thought it was heaven or i used to we moved and didn't wait the distance didn't seem to matter it's so great now it's what i'm used to

to the neighbor

i saw you run across the street your tail was near equal to you i had not seen your roommate before but i am glad you made it through the winter still i ponder how you got there was it a long trip do you remember it were you afraid or is it just a haze  not much to remember anyway with luck you'll make it another season we are connected by that i'm sure you see me and wonder the same  how i got here was i afraid

All farewells should be sudden

No More "the rest of the story"

RIP Paul Harvey


I guess it's just me here - that's cool Any hoo wtf? these weeks were ok anything else? nope alrighty then


What it is readers? This time it's time for some fun time with some muthafukin letters chalk it up to a previous post i did wit some shit about some shit you kant say in the muthafukin classroom witout all them kids laughin an shit so here is go in kinda alphabetical muthafukin order A: a hole eat out my a kiss my a B:  get f'ed in the b take it in the b smells like some b up in here C, D, E: ? F: f that get f'ed in the a f'ed in the b go f yourself f this f'n a just one f'n minute f u f u 2 what the f etc, ad nauseam G: is you a g or what? H, I, J, K: what the h? idk go f urself k? i'm gonna j o later to a picture of that L, M, N, O: l my a i'm gonna show her my o face o, o, o (waiting the movie) now get out there and win m k l my n's k? P, Q, R, S:  i would l her in the p  i gotta take a s r u done yet? r u gonna f her/him later? r u gonna eat that? s my balls T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z: i have to t a s u gonna... y u so gay?

Yo Diary

some muthafukas need slapped didja see some straight up fags dissin on the Prez tonight? saying shit like public service jobs wernt no fukin real jobs an shit what the fuck is a real job in that case bitches? a wall street job where a muthafuka can not do shit and then do shit that is all wrong and fuck things up for everyone else and then still get paid like a mutha? fuck that this is the no filter era if you care about this country - it's time to start tellin it how it is if you see some shit going on or hear some shit about how Obama is lettin terrorists go cuz he's closing gitmo then you need to straight up stab that muthafuka that;s right if you hear a dumbass spoutin some shit about how great Bush was then get your fuckin gat and pop a cap in a hoe cuz fuck that shit that's how we got in this mess in the first place by people not standing up to the man and saying NO - I aint puttin up with some of this bullshit anymo if everyone was trying to keep it real like that th...

Dear Diary

today was ok I'm still kinda hurt - in my feelings - I'm a pretty sensitive guy for being only 26 y.o.!!! But what ever I guess my problem is that I love too much saturday i had a DD so i got loaded fuck i let out a  yeah baby i don't think the world is ready for it yet also as Flint mentioned i have achieved true balla status that's right i gots me a muthafuckin DVD playa in my muthafukin pimpmobile so nows i can watch some shizz while i'm leaned back dodging the  muthafukin 50 rollin up on tha spot with my homies you know  the usual so anyway i think that i gots a new THEME some fuckin gangsta shit it's every post has to be in gansta diary  entry form - so from now on all my hoes n all my bros gots to be in on this shizz for real so i don't have to stab a mutha fucker PEACE

Dear Diary

today fucking sucked in fact the majority of this month sucked - things have not been rolling Riley's way as of late. what is going on? in a past life did i squash too many bugs or was i a bird who shit on the pope or did i fuck somebody over on a used car? anyway - what sucked you're asking - or not thursday was a shit day with these little fucking assholes i like to call 6th hr fuck them when i think that this profession is great i am reminded that  6th hr sucks the fun out of it and the life out of me then there is dealing with  personal relationships why try is the question i ask my self "Why?" self I say, "why bother being civil to people who send clear messages that I matter not?" the message may translate to  give up already  idiot I am clearly a moron or a mormom either way I am fucked this is some major league bull shit so then the other thing is that my dad might be coming back to live in my basement and drink all my beer fucking yay yippity fuckin...

Face Book

So all of my readers - I know most of you have facebook accts. which is cool - since I know that you are the "cool kids" - as proved by reading this here 'blog.  BUT but many of those fags on FB are a bunch o' dooshes as evidenced by their unwavering support of BUSH and their blase attitude toward Obama. WTF is wrong with these people? Did they not pay attention to the entire world for the last 8 yrs? seriously so here's what the fuck I did I said Fuck Them - fuck them in their stupid asses  and then I deleted their asses  that's right I had a whole buttload of "friends" that are now doosh bags relegated to the realm of dooshiness also fuck Sen. Cornyn - what an asshole

2 minute review - movie version - may take longer and include other stuff

Man - Jack Black - you were so funny in al that Tenacious D shit, but now I just don't know. Be Kind Rewind friggen sucked The only thing that could have made this movie worse would be to have a cameo by Jude Law Ultimately, it's just not that funny. I give bkndrwnd One Portion of Chewed Fat


It appears that my ideas are running dry - but I'm open to suggestions - and I'm not talking about butseks